The hill isn't particularly steep but it's relentless, and it's generally pretty windy on top. So it's a nice wee run to waken you up on a Sunday morning. When I did the Great Winter Run - which isn't quite a full lap - I went round in 28 minutes 20. This time I did the full 3.25 miles in 31:08, so a bit slower, but I'll blame it on slowing down several times to take photos...
Last weekend we were in Hertfordshire and dodged the 30+ degree heat by getting up early to do a few laps of Fairlands Valley Park on the Saturday, and then had a leisurely run across the fields to Datchworth on Sunday. The intervening weeks have been a bit quiet on the running front due to work commitments, but I still totalled 46 miles for the two weeks. My total for the year is now 465 miles and I'm on schedule to exceed my 750 mile target comfortably.