Back in Edinburgh for the weekend and it's marathon time here - Sunday morning echoing to the sound of starters guns going off for the various races which make up the Edinburgh Marathon festival. The marathon kicked off at 08:50 this morning so the "proper" runners will already have finished and the majority of the rest of the field are probably at the painful 20 mile mark.
The weather is absolutely glorious at the moment - 25 degrees yesterday and forecast for 22 or so today. Nice for a barbie in the park but not so good for distance running though and I imagine the first aid people at the marathon will be busy. Hopefully there's enough water to go round and people are sensible about their pace.
Anyway, my training for the BUPA 10000 next Monday has gone pretty well and I did my last "long" run today - just under 7 miles at a good pace of 9:07 per mile. I need to up that to 8:51 per mile if I'm going to reach my 55 minute
As for the 750 mile challenge, well, also going well. 64.45 miles so far in May, and a total of 355 miles for the year so far, so looks like I'll have reached half way by the end of May, which is great news. June is likely to be a lower mileage month however as I'm off on holiday for a couple of weeks - volcanic ash, forest fires and political instability permitting !
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