Big success at the BUPA 10000 on Monday - I finished in 54:14, well ahead of my 55 minute target... 8m 44s per mile, and while it didn't feel easy it certainly felt a lot more comfortable than the first 2 10ks I did back in 2008.
As usual a large proportion of people sprinted away at the start - not sure about the point of that unless you're elite - better to finish strong than start strong - but anyway, I went off comfortably and reached the 1km mark on Embankment in 5:49. As I started to warm up my pace picked up and I did 5:28 and 5:21 for the next 2km, putting me nicely on target for 55 minutes. The race leaders passed in the opposite direction at this point - fantastic pace they keep up and it's like watching a different sport when you see their leg extension and length of stride.
The course was basically very flat but the fourth km into the City contained the only real hill so my 4th km was a little slower at 5:32. The streets around the City were quite narrow and there were a few kerbs to watch out for and the enclosed spaces meant it started to get a litle hot, although they had showers set up around here which were welcome. I passed the half-way mark in 27:34, so still right on schedule.
Exactly 5:30 for km 6, and then a bit of downhill back onto Embankment, with kms 7 and 8 taking me 5:23 and 5:17. This stretch seemed to pass very slowly although it was probably worse for the people running the opposite way knowing they still had 8km to go.
The turn off Embankment onto Horse Guards was very welcome, especially as Sophie was
waiting there to cheer me on, and the 9th km took me 5:18. Turning up Whitehall I knew I was on target for a good time and just tried to keep my pace up until the final turn into The Mall and under Admiralty Arch. The last 400 metres were a lot more comfortable than my previous two 10ks and I managed a little sprint to make my last 1km the fastest of the race in 5:16, bringing me home in 54:18 according to my watch, although the "official" chip time was 4 seconds quicker.
A really enjoyable run and a well-
organised race - and thanks to generosity of my sponsors I raised over £200 for Cure Parkinson's Trust.
A big thank you also to Sophie for supporting and photographing me on the day - and for all the support she gives me the rest of the time.
So... back to the 750 mile challenge: my total for May was an excellent 80.31 miles, and three runs this week have taken my overall total past the half-way mark to 382.6 miles. So still ahead of schedule.
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